Thursday, April 29, 2010

Smart and Easy Ways to Use Essential Oils

1. For good smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the dryer while drying. Add 5 drops essential oil to 1/4 cup fabric softener or water and place in the center cup of the washer. I like to use lavendar on my sheets.

2. Popourri which has lost its scent can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil.

3. Add a few drops of oil to water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener.

4. Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot.

5. To enjoy a scented candle, place a drop or two into the hot melted wax as the candle burns.

I will post some more tips later.


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